
KWL - Notes.pptx.pdf

Formative Assessments

I try to provide a wide variety of formative assessments to evaluate my students' understanding of the content. This can include hands-on skill practice, quizzes, written and verbal assignments. 

Summative Assessments

Most of my summative assessments are in the form of projects that bring together not only multiple units but also incorporate real world experiences. 

When it has been necessary to provide a written test as a summative assessment, I strive to make the tests scenario based. Over the years I have found that a scenario based test allows students to demonstrate their understanding of the content more effectively than other test formats. It also allows for differentiation as it is easier to allow for verbal responses or illustrations over written responses. 

Ag Business Project.pdf

This is the Project that Won the Disney100 Teachers Celebration

Student Self Assessment Example.pdf

Student Reflection

With each of my long term summative projects, I work to incorporate student reflections and self assessment, not only at the end of the project, but throughout as well. This is accomplished through student journals and 1 on 1 meetings with students as they progress through the project. 

This also allows larger projects to be broken down into more manageable parts. Each check in focuses on 1 or 2 aspects of the project to help the students stay on track for completion. 

Grading Philosophy 

For a number of years I have graded on the 4 point scale, having worked in schools that are competency based, utilizing a holistic style rubric. I found that this method of grading afforded the higher achieving students a challenge while allowing students who struggled or were less motivated a chance at success. 

The goal is for all students to achieve proficiency, by meeting the expectations of an assignment. Proficiency equals a grade of 3 or 86%. Students wanting a grade higher than proficient must demonstrate a deeper understanding of the content and go above and beyond the assignment expectations. This could include making connections to other subjects, adding additional information, etc.

Animal Science Holistic Rubric - Blank.pdf
I have not had to create a formal lesson plan in a number of years as part of my regular teaching responsibilities. This was created as part of a workshop and was utilized in my class.

This flier was created as part of promotional material for 8th grade and sending schools students 

I utilize a digital daily agenda, based on the concept of a bitmoji classroom. This is shared with the students via google classroom